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How to Detox and cleanse your liver Naturally ? How to detox your liver ? Is it possible to detox and cleanse your liver ?
These are the questions that arise in a person mind that has fatty liver , Hepatic Dysfunction , Liver Cirrhosis, has become fat or consume to much alcohol over time.
Watch the video to find out!
💥 Liver Detox Tips
Full Body Detox: 9 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Body
Detoxification — or detox — is a popular buzzword.
It typically implies following a specific diet or using special products that claim to rid your body of toxins, thereby improving health and promoting weight loss. Fortunately, your body is well-equipped to eliminate toxins and doesn’t require special diets or expensive supplements to do so. That said, you can enhance your body’s natural detoxification system.
This video explains some common misconceptions about detoxing along with nine evidenced-based ways to rejuvenate your body’s detoxification system.
Some Key Point to notice for Detoxification
-Drinking too much alcohol reduces your liver’s ability to carry out its normal functions, such as detoxifying.
-Adequate sleep allows your brain to reorganize, recharge, and eliminate toxins that accumulate throughout the day
-Stay Hydrated -In addition to its many roles in your body, water allows your body’s detoxification system to remove waste products from your blood
-Excess junk food consumption is linked to chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes. These conditions can cause harm to organs important to detoxifying, such as your liver and kidneys
-Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants helps your body reduce damage caused by free radicals and may lower your risk of diseases that can impact detoxification
-Eating a diet rich in prebiotics keeps your digestive system healthy, which is important for proper detoxification and immune health
-Consuming too much salt can increase water retention. You can eliminate excess water — and waste — by increasing your intake of water and potassium-rich foods -Regular physical activity lowers inflammation and allows your body’s detoxification system to work properly
-Get more Active -Regular physical activity lowers inflammation and allows your body’s detoxification system to work properly
-You can also try our Poly Herbal formulation HepPlus Syrup for best Results (Its a combination of powerful herbs which are hepatoprotector, Diuretics and Anti-inflammatory Herbs which help removes Toxins and Detox(Cleanse your body)
💡DISCLAIMER This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician with any questions that you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you watch in this video. Please consult with your physician before changing or adding any foods or supplements to your diet.
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#LiverDetox #LiverCleanse #HealthyLiver
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Detox and Cleanse Your Liver Naturally By Hep-Plus Syrup 450 ML
Hep Plus Syrup For Liver Dysfunction and Jaundice
पीलिया में उपयोगी एक आयुर्वेदिक लिवर टॉनिक
लीवर के रोगों के लिए एक प्रसिद्ध आयुर्वेदिक टॉनिक है जो लीवर के कार्य प्रणाली में सुधार करता है एवं समस्त पाचन संबंधी विकारों को दूर करता है
Each 10 ml contains
Kasni 100 mg
Saunf 100 mg
Revand Chini 100 mg
Makoy 100 mg
Punarnava 100 mg
Afasteen 100 mg
Ganjawa 100 mg
karfas 50 mg
Neelofer 50 mg
Gulab 50 mg
Giloy 50 mg
Balchand 50 mg
Nagarmotha 50 mg
Nausadar 10 mg
Indication of Herbs
It helps stimulate the secretion of bile on a regular basis, which keeps the liver healthy.
यह पित्त के श्रावण को बढ़ाता है एवं लिवर की सूजन भी दूर करता है
Improves Immunity and also reducesof chances to get Liver Infections.
गिलोय इम्युनिटी बढ़ाता है और लीवर में इंफेक्शन की संभावना को कम करता है
This helps to lower down the alkaline phosphate and other toxins out from the body.
यह रक्त में एल्कलाइन फॉस्फेट की स्तर को कम करता है और विषैले तत्वों को बाहर निकालता है
protects the liver against alcohol toxicity.is also a potent antioxidant, which can be seen by its free radical scavenging property.
कासनी यह अल्कोहल के कारण होने वाले लीवर के नुकसान को रोकता है और हानिकारक फ्री रेडिकल्स को खत्म करता है
Present in fennel triggers the secretion of digestive juices and enzymes which in turn paces up the process of digestion.
सौंफ पाचन जूस के श्रावण को बढ़ाती है जिससे पाचन ठीक होता है
known for promoting and enhancing the healthy functioning of liver & healthy secretion of liver enzymes.
रेवंदचीनी लीवर की कार्य प्रणाली को दुरुस्त करता है एवं एंजाइम की पर्याप्त मात्रा में निकालने में उपयोगी है
Improves Liver Functions
लीवर की कार्य प्रणाली में सुधार
Improves Digestion
उत्तम पाचन
Improves Appetite
भूख बढ़ाने वाला
Protects Liver from toxins
लिवर की विषाक्तता से रक्षा